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Why do mutual fund values differ in the account curve and donut chart on Console dashboard?

The mutual fund values on the account curve are calculated as per T-2 days, whereas the mutual fund holdings on the donut chart display T-1 day values. This is because the account curve displays the values as per the holdings file that we receive from the depository, which provides a comprehensive overview of the portfolio, whereas the donut chart values are directly connected to the daily P&L processes conducted on a T-1 day basis for mutual funds.

Example Scenario

The account value curve on 18th July displays the values as of T-1 day, i.e. 16th July, since 17th July was a trading holiday. Here, the mutual fund holdings values are displayed as per T-2 days, i.e. 15th July.

The mutual fund value on the donut chart on 18th July is displayed according to the T-1 day value, which is 16th July.