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Why is the Invalid CSRF Token error displayed while enabling TOTP?

The Invalid CSRF Token error is displayed because of browser issues.

To fix the error, follow these steps:

  1. Clear the cache memory and remove all cookies from the default browser settings¹.
  2. Update the default browser to the latest version.
  3. The browser should allow cookies².
  4. Refresh the page after following the above steps.


¹To clear the cache memory and remove all cookies, follow these steps:

  1. Go to browser settings.
  2. Tap on Privacy and security.
  3. Tap on Clear browsing data and then on Advanced.
  4. Tick the checkbox for Cookies and other site data, Cached images and files, and Auto-fill form data.

² To allow cookies , follow these steps:

  1. Go to browser settings.
  2. Tap on Site settings and Cookies.
  3. Tap on Allow cookies.