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How to view mutual fund orders on Coin web?

To view the mutual fund orders, follow these steps:

  1. From the drop down click on Mutual funds.
  2. Click on Orders.
  3. Select the date range. The maximum allowed date range is 30 days.

The order history can be downloaded in CSV format.

The order history on Coin displays the processed, cancelled, and failed orders for up to 3 months. To check the processed orders after 3 months, follow these steps:

  1. Login to
  2. Click on Reports and then on Tradebook.
  3. Select Mutual Funds from the drop-down menu under Segment.
  4. Select the date range and click on the Arrow button.

Did you know?

  • The order history can be downloaded in CSV format.
  • The order history downloaded from Console will display only the processed orders.