How to transfer mutual funds from other platform to Coin?
Before transferring mutual fund units to Zerodha, cancel any active SIPs in the scheme. Once the units are transferred, an SIP can be created on Coin. The process for transferring existing mutual funds depends on how the units are held and is explained below:
Units held in demat mode in
CDSL account: The transfer process can be done. See How to transfer shares from the other broker to Zerodha?
NSDL account: Submit the following documents to the NSDL DP, i.e., the other broker.
- Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) which can be obtained from the other broker.
- On the DIS, mention the number of units and the Zerodha demat account number. For the demat account number, visit .
- Submit the DIS to the other broker.
Example of DIS
Units held in physical mode or in Statement of Account (SOA)
The mutual fund units must be dematerialised or destatementized. See What is the procedure to dematerialise mutual funds?
Units under lock-in period
The only way to transfer ELSS mutual funds under lock-in from one demat to another is via closure cum transfer. The locked in units can only be moved to another demat account of the same account holder. If the ELSS scheme is out of the lock-in period or has free units, it can be transferred without any restrictions. To know the procedure of closure cum transfer, see How to transfer shares from the other broker to Zerodha?
Mutual fund holdings will reflect as discrepant after they are transferred to Zerodha. The buy average should be manually entered for such units. See
Why is the buy average for some mutual funds shown as a discrepancy?
- In the case of regular mutual funds held in demat or physical form, it is advisable to exit those funds and repurchase them on Coin. Transferring regular mutual funds to Zerodha will not convert them to direct mutual funds.
To get the CMR copy in case the other broker asks for it, see What is a CMR copy and where can I get it?
After all the documents have been submitted, it takes up to 4 days for the transfer to be completed.
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