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What is the applicable NAV when investing in NPS through Coin?

When investing in NPS through Coin, the funds are transferred to Zerodha, who then transfer the funds to the trustee banks. NAV will be allotted based on the NPS order placement date and time. The timings are as follows:

Order placement Applicable NAV
Before 9:00 AM on T day T day
After 9:00 AM on T day T+1 day

Example scenario

  • Before 9:00 AM on T day
  1. NPS order is placed on Friday (T day) at 8:30 AM.
  2. Zerodha transfers the funds to the trustee bank account on the same day.
  3. The trustee bank reconciles the funds and allocates Friday's NAV  (T day).
  • After 9:00 AM on T day
  1. NPS order is placed on Friday (T day) at 3:30 PM.
  2. Zerodha transfers the funds to the trustee bank account on Monday (T+1).
  3. The trustee bank reconciles the funds and allocates Monday's NAV (T+1).

In case of a public holiday, funds will be transferred to the trustee bank on the next working day.