What is the correct buy average for the partly-paid shares?
The buy average for the partly paid shares only includes the paid-up price. To learn more about partly paid shares, see
What are partly paid shares?
Example scenario
The average purchase price for partly paid shares of Reliance only considers the paid-up price, which is 25% of the total price. The current buy average of Reliance partly paid shares on Console is ₹314.25, which only includes the already paid call amount of ₹1257.
If a client buys Reliance REs and then applies for the partly paid shares, the cost would be the buy price of the REs plus ₹314.25 for the partly paid shares.
To check the buy price, the client can download the contract note from Console and manually track this cost since the REs have lapsed and will appear as a loss in the Profit and Loss (P&L) statement. To know the steps to download contract notes, see How to download contract notes?
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