- What does Available margin, Used margin and Available cash mean?
- What is SPAN and exposure margin?
- What does ‘Pay-in’ in the funds tab on Kite mean?
- What does the 'delivery margin' field on Zerodha Kite mean?
- How are the values on the Kite dashboard and funds page calculated?
- What is the minimum amount for Stock SIP on Kite?
- What does the Collateral (liquid funds) under Funds mean?
- Why does P&L in Kite positions not match with gains on the funds page?
- What does Collateral(Equity) in the ‘funds’ mean?
- Can yesterday’s intraday profits be used for today’s trade in Zerodha?
- Why are decimal values on the funds page not displayed properly on Kite?
- Why is the Kite order window showing margin required when exiting a position?
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