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How can NRIs attest or notarise their documents online via Rupeeflo?

Zerodha has partnered with Rupeeflo to assist NRIs with attesting or notarising documents. NRIs from the following countries can attest/notarise their documents:

  • USA
  • United Kingdom
  • Singapore
  • UAE
  • Saudi Arabia
  • All European countries

Clients for countries that are not part of the above list must get the documents notarised by the Indian embassy, authorised officials of overseas branches of scheduled commercial banks registered in India, public notaries, court magistrates, judges, or the Indian embassy or consulate general in the country where the NRI resides. The attesting authority should affix a verified with original stamp, name, designation, authority or employee code, signature and date on the documents.

To attest/notarise documents, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Rupeeflo app.
  2. Verify the email and mobile number.
  3. Tap on Start now and take photos of the documents or upload them.
  4. Rupeeflo will verify the documents. It can take upto 90 minutes to verify.
  5. Once the documents are verified, tap on Get payment link. Make the payment and click on Join now to start the appointment with a public notary.
  6. The public notary will verify the documents and your basic details. Clients may be required to upload an ID proof.
  7. After verification, the notarised documents will be available on the Rupeeflo app dashboard within 2 hours. Click on Completed Documents to download them.

Did you know?

  • Only documents in English can be notarised.
  • If your country is not listed in the supported regions or if you need any assistance with pricing and notarisation, contact