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How to download contract notes?

The contract notes for the trades are sent to the registered email on the trade date, and the password to open contract notes is the client's PAN in capital letters. The contract note can also be downloaded by following these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Select Contract note in the statement.
  3. Select Report type as PDF, XML etc.
  4. Select a Date range .
  5. Select Category and Trade type.
  6. Click on E-mail and the contract note will be sent to the registered email address.
  7. Click on the link received in the mail and enter Zerodha account credentials to open the contract note.

Did you know?

  • If a larger number of contract notes are selected, there could be a slight delay in receiving the email.
  • The download link on the email is active for 7 days.
  • Contract notes can only be downloaded for a period of 365 days.
  • Contract notes can be requested from April 2017 onwards.