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How to complete SIP payments on Coin web?

To make SIP payments on Coin, visit the Pending payments page. The pending payments page on Coin displays the SIP orders that have been placed for which the payments are yet to be made. To make payments for SIPs, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Account.
  2. Click on Pending.
  3. All the pending payments will be displayed. Payments for up to 10 orders per transaction can be made by clicking on Bulk pay. Bulk payments can only be made for Coin SIP and lumpsum orders, not AMC SIPs. Payments for AMC SIPs can be made by clicking on Pay now individually.
  4. Click on Pay now.
  5. Click on Confirm and complete the payment.

An email notification will be sent once the payment is successful. To know more about transferring funds for pending purchase orders on Coin, see How to transfer funds for pending purchase orders on Coin?

Did you know?

  • Zerodha SIPs are triggered on T day at 1:30 AM and can be modified only before this time. AMC SIPs are triggered on T day at 3:15 AM and cannot be modified.
  • Zerodha SIP and lumpsum orders are deleted automatically on T+4 calendar day if the payment is not completed.
  • AMC SIP and NEFT orders are deleted automatically on T+5 business day if the payment is not completed.
  • To ensure that a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) starts within the current month, it must be set up at least 2 days prior to the preferred execution date. For example, if the client wants the SIP to execute on the 5th of each month, they need to set it up on or before the 2nd of the current month. If the SIP is set up on the 3rd with an execution date of the 5th, it will start from the next month.
  • Funds for mutual fund purchases can be added through the primary or secondary bank accounts linked with Zerodha. However, funds from the secondary bank account can only be added through NEFT or mandates. The amount from mutual fund redemptions is credited only to the primary bank account.