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Why are the drawings deleted from the charts when using ChartIQ?

The drawings can get deleted for the following reasons:

  • Saved drawings are deleted when the browser cache is cleared.
  • Drawings are stored in the browser cache, so they won’t be available if the browser, PC, or phone is changed.
  • Drawings for a maximum of 10 instruments can be saved. When a drawing is made on the 11th instrument, it will replace the first drawing.
  • If the user logs in to Kite with a different user ID on the same browser, the cache will be deleted from the previous ID.
  • In browser settings, if Keep local data only until you quit your browser is selected, the cache will be deleted when the browser is closed.

Did you know? All drawings made on charts will be automatically saved in the browser cache. When a chart on which a drawing was made is opened, the drawings load automatically.