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How to verify if a call is officially from Zerodha?

Zerodha does not call users and ask for personal or other sensitive account-specific information or provide advisory services or stock tips. Calls are made if there are issues with account opening, margin calls or other compliance-related requirements. Account holders will receive calls from Zerodha only from the following numbers:

  • 080 37074647
  • 080 37096498
  • 080 37096499
  • 080 71173891
  • 080 47186626
  • 080 71173861
  • 080 71909543
  • 080 71909545
  • 080 37074651
  • 080 71966807
  • 080 47192020
  • 080 47092457
  • 080 47181888
  • 080 47181999
  • 080 47169000
  • 080 47184927
  • 080 46805727

If a call is received from a number other than the one mentioned above claiming to be from Zerodha, please ignore the call, create a ticket and mention the number. Alternatively, report such numbers to TRAI. See How can unsolicited stock tips SMS be stopped?