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How to set up AMC SIPs on Coin app?

To set up an AMC SIP, follow these steps:

  1. Select the fund and tap on SIP.
  2. Tap on AMC SIP.
  3. Enter the Instalment amount and select the Date.
  4. Tap on Create AMC SIP and then on Create.

Did you know? To ensure that a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) starts within the current month, it must be set up at least 2 days prior to the preferred execution date. For example, if the client wants the SIP to execute on the 5th of each month, they need to set it up on or before the 2nd of the current month. If the SIP is set up on the 3rd with an execution date of the 5th, it will start from the next month.

See What is the cut-off time for mutual fund transactions on Coin? to know the applicable NAV on the orders and How to complete SIP payments on Coin app? to know how to complete SIP payments on Coin.

In an AMC SIP, the minimum investment amount is decided by the AMC. An AMC SIP cannot be modified, paused or stepped up since the AMC SIP is not created internally in Zerodha’s system. AMC SIPs can be deleted or cancelled only 2 days prior to the SIPs next instalment date. To know how to delete or cancel SIPs, see How to modify, pause or delete a SIP on the Coin app?