- What do the entries in Margin Trading Facility (MTF) ledger mean?
- What is the interest rate for using MTF and how is it calculated?
- How to buy stocks using Margin Trading Facility (MTF)?
- FAQs on Margin Trading Facility (MTF)
- Zerodha's RMS policy: Squaring off positions for Margin Trading Facility (MTF)
- Why is the error “MTF buy order is not allowed as there is an open holding sell position in this stock. Please close that position before placing MTF buy order.” displayed?
- Why is the error “MTF buy order is not allowed for the day as there is an MTF holding sell position in this stock.” displayed?
- Why is a nudge displayed mentioning: "Selling this stock will affect your MTF position since you have existing holdings. If you wish to hold that MTF position, avoid selling this stock"?
- Why is Margin Trading Facility (MTF) not allowed for some clients?
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