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Why is the circuit limit showing differently on Kite after the stocks circuit limit has already been hit?

Once a stock in equity reaches its circuit limit, trading is temporarily halted, and the subsequent circuit limit is adjusted. As a result, the circuit limit displayed on Kite changes after the limit is reached. On the NSE (WEB), circuit limits are updated the same day after the market closes at approximately 5:00 PM. For the BSE (WEB), circuit limits are updated the following day at 6:45 AM before the markets open. Trading is halted accordingly based on the trigger limits. To learn more about circuit limits, see What are circuit limits or price bands?

The circuit limits for a stock can be checked by clicking on the market depth as displayed below:

Did you know? Circuit limits are not applicable to equity derivatives. Instead, a dynamic price band of 10% is in place. The exchange maintains a fixed operating range of 10% on both sides to ensure trading occurs within the specified range and to prevent accidental order entries. As the price approaches these levels, the limits are further relaxed to accommodate trading activities.