- When does cash settlement happen to close out short delivery?
- Does Zerodha have a desktop platform?
- What is short delivery and what are its consequences?
- Why are the purchased shares not visible in the holdings?
- What does settlement cycle mean?
- Where can Pi be downloaded?
- What are circuit limits or price bands?
- What are market-wide circuit breakers?
- What is the validity of the CDSL authorisation?
- What is the CDSL TPIN and how to use it to sell the stock holdings?
- Which commodity options contracts can be traded on Kite?
- How to generate the CDSL TPIN required to authorise the CNC sell transactions?
- How to track global indices on Kite?
- What are CFDs (Contract for Difference)?
- What happens to the investments if a stockbroker becomes bankrupt?
- Why isn't the order getting executed even though it has been placed successfully?
- Will Zerodha square off the positions in case of “freak trades”?
- What are Differential Voting Rights (DVR) shares?
- What are Exchange Traded Funds(ETF’s)?
- What are unsettled funds?
- Why has the fund balance increased but shares are missing from holdings?
- What are partly paid shares?
- Where can one obtain Form 10DB at Zerodha?
- What are the risks involved in BTST?
- Why is intraday trading not allowed for contracts if the underlying security is under a ban period?
- Why is there a difference between the LTP and closing price on NSE?
- Can the product type of the hedged position be converted?
- Can cross-currency derivatives be traded in Zerodha?
- Can shares be bought on one exchange and sold on another?
- Why is the opening price of a stock different from its previous day's closing price on Kite?
- How to short sell shares in equity and futures?
- Can currency derivatives be traded on BSE?
- What is available cash and opening balance on Kite?
- Why does one receive an SMS and Email from NSE, BSE, and MCX when trading?
- How to check all the trades placed with the broker on the exchange?
- How to do BTST trades at Zerodha?
- What is a daily margin statement, and how to understand it?
- What does IRP (Insolvency Resolution Process) mean?
- What is BTST and how does it work?
- Why is the account in debit after placing a stop-loss order?
- Why are bids and offers at 0 being displayed in the market depth?
- Can NSE/BSE commodities be traded at Zerodha?
- Can covered bonds be pledged as collateral to receive collateral margin at Zerodha?
- How to backtest the technical strategies on Kite by Zerodha?
- Why have I been charged margin penalty?
- Why is there a delay in order placement during the market opening?
- Why is the circuit limit showing differently on Kite after the stocks circuit limit has already been hit?
- Can Zerodha users invest in foreign stocks?
- How to trade weekly currency options at Zerodha?
- What is the difference between holdings and positions?
- How safe is it to trade with Zerodha?
- Can an arbitrage trade be carried out between two exchanges?
- What is a settlement holiday and its impact?
- How is Option premium calculated when there are multiple trades?
- What are Trade to Trade or T2T stocks?
- How safe are the funds and securities with a stockbroker?
- What happens to the funds and holdings if a stockbroker defaults?
- Why is there no price movement in the stock’s option contracts when the price of the stock and its futures contract is moving?
- How can I regenerate my CDSL TPIN if I've forgotten it?
- Does Zerodha support Stockreports+?
- Why is MIS not allowed for certain instruments?
F&O trading
- What is interoperability of exchanges and how does this affect my Equity and F&O trading?
- What are Open interest limits?
- Can F&O positions be rolled over during the ban period?
- Why are weekly expiries no longer available for certain F&O contracts?
- What is the impact of corporate actions on futures and options?
- What are the new lot sizes for Index F&O contracts?
- If an F&O position results in taking delivery of the stock, when will the stocks show up on Kite?
- What does Rollover mean?
- Why do F&O contracts enter ban period?
- Why are F&O contracts not displayed for a particular stock?
- What are the risks of trading Futures and Options (F&O)?
- What happens if the option contract is not squared off on the expiry date?
- What are currency derivatives, and how to trade them on Kite?
- Why can't market orders be placed for certain index and stock option contracts at Zerodha?
- Why is buying stock options close to the expiry not allowed?
- What are the risks associated with the physical delivery of stock Futures & Options (F&O)?
- How is buy average calculated for F&O trades?
- Why was the settlement price 0 for the option position, although the Last Traded Price (LTP) is not 0?
- How to trade weekly nifty option contracts in Zerodha?
- What are interest rate derivatives?
- What is F&O (Futures and Options)?
- Why were funds deducted from Zerodha account for exiting a profitable short options position?
- Why is the option order being rejected with a request to place it around the theoretical price?
- Market sessions
Commodity trading
- What is devolvement for commodity option and how does it work?
- Why is an additional margin charged for energy futures contracts close to expiry?
- What does the devolvement of ITM commodity options mean, and what impact does it have on the positions?
- What does clubbing of open position limit on MCX mean?
- Why is trading in some agri commodities not allowed?
- What is the position limit for agricultural commodities?
- How are MCX contracts settled?
- How is the disparity, parity between MCX prices and International prices for gold, silver, aluminium and zinc calculated?
Securities Lending and Borrowing (SLB)
- Is DDPI mandatory to avail of SLB services at Zerodha?
- How to activate and deactivate Securities Lending and Borrowing (SLB)?
- What is Securities Lending and Borrowing (SLB) and how to avail it?
- Is POA mandatory to avail of SLB services at Zerodha?
- How are Securities Lending and Borrowing (SLB) trades taxed?
- How to get the trade confirmation memo for Securities Lending and Borrowing (SLB) trades?
- How to check live quotes and place orders for SLB?
- Can an NRI, HUF, Corporate account avail SLB services?
- Where can the list of approved securities be found for SLB?
- Does Zerodha offer the facility of 'stock lending and borrowing'?
- What are the eligibility criterias for placing SLB orders?
- Can pledged shares be lent under SLB?
- Can SLB positions be rolled over?
- Where can SLB bids and offers be checked?
- What are the charges for SLB transactions?
- What does Repay/Recall in SLB mean, or how to foreclose the SLB position?
Trading categories and groups
- What do the different groups on NSE and BSE mean?
- How are shares settled in a BTST transaction?
- What does GSM mean?
- Why is buying restricted for GSM stage 2 and above stocks?
- Can Zerodha Fund House securities be pledged for margin?
- What is ASM (Additional surveillance measures)?
- What are large cap, mid cap and small cap companies, and how to identify them?
- What is BZ Category of stocks on NSE?
- What happens when a stock is suspended?
- How to buy NCDs, bonds and tax-free bonds on Kite?
- What are the risks associated with trading in securities under surveillance measures?
- Where can I see the stocks I hold that are suspended?
- Where can the ETFs listed on the exchange be found?
- What does the SM or M symbol beside a stock mean?
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