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How to view the option chain on Kite and what are its features?

To view the option chain on Kite web, follow these steps:

  1. Search for a contract or an index.
  2. Add it to the marketwatch by clicking on +.
  3. Hover over the instrument and click on More.
  4. Click on Option chain to open it on the same page, or click on the popout icon beside Option chain to open it in a new tab.

The option chain can also be accessed from the charts section. Open the chart for any instrument and click on Option chain.

Select the expiry date by clicking on the expiries at the top of the option chain. The number of days remaining until expiry is also displayed.

Scroll up or down to view all strike prices for a contract. The At-The-Money (ATM) strike price is highlighted for easy identification. Clicking on the ATM price resets the view to display strike prices closest to the current market price.

The red and green bars indicate open interest (OI) for call and put options.

Hovering over a strike price will display the options to buy, sell or add the contract to the marketwatch.

Clicking on the More icon displays additional options such as creating a GTT, setting an alert or ATO, viewing market depth, opening the chart, viewing the option chain in full screen, and adding the strike to the basket.

At the bottom of the option chain, key market indicators such as Put Call Ratio (PCR), Max Pain, At-The-Money Implied Volatility (ATM IV), and IV Percentile are displayed.

Click on Greeks to view Gamma, Vega, Theta and Delta for all the strike prices in the option chain.

Enabling the Basket option will replace the Buy and Sell buttons with Add Buy and Sell orders to Basket buttons. The Basket option allows traders to execute strategies like spreads and straddles more efficiently.

Instead of placing each order separately, orders can be added to a basket, the order of execution can be set, orders can be removed if needed, and all orders can be placed at once. The basket also displays initial and final margin requirements, including any margin benefits.

Open option positions can also be tracked in the option chain. Long positions are marked with a blue P, while short positions are marked with an orange P. Clicking on a position reveals details like quantity held, average price, and profit or loss (P&L). Quick action buttons make it easy to exit or modify positions without switching screens.

The option chain can be opened in fullscreen by clicking the popout icon. In this mode, the left-side panel displays market depth, open positions, and orders. Market depth for any strike price can be loaded by clicking on the Show on sidebar icon and remains hidden by default but can be expanded to check liquidity and bid-ask spreads. The panel also shows open positions with total profit and loss, pending orders, and a search bar for quick instrument switching. It can be collapsed or expanded using the arrow icon.

View the option chain for any instrument by clicking on the search icon, entering the name of the contract or index and then clicking on the instrument.

Click on View on Sensibull to open the option chain on Sensibull.

Option chain is currently only available on Kite web, and will soon be available on Kite app as well.