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What is an After Market Order (AMO) and how to place it?

The Auto After Market Order (AMO) feature automatically converts any order placed outside of market hours into an AMO order, which executes once the market opens.

After Market Order (AMO) is an order type that can be used to place orders outside of regular trading hours and is executed once the market opens. AMOs are especially useful for users who cannot actively track the markets during regular trading hours. To know the trading hours, see What are the market timings? AMOs are allowed for all product types, i.e. CNC, MIS, NRML, except for Cover orders (COs).

AMOs can be placed, modified or cancelled only between these times:

Segment Timings
NSE - 3:45 PM to 8:58 AM
BSE - 3:45 PM to 8:58 AM
Currency 3:45 PM to 8:59 AM
F&O 3:45 PM to 9:10 AM
MCX Anytime during the day. If an order is placed during market hours, it will be executed on the next day at 9 AM

If a DDPI or POA is not submitted, CNC Sell AMO for stocks bought on T day can only be placed on the next day i.e. T+1 day after 6:30 AM. For stocks that have already been delivered to the demat account, a CNC Sell AMO can be placed after 5 PM. This is because TPIN authorisation is accepted after 05:00 PM for AMOs. Clients can submit DDPI to overcome this limitation. To learn more about DDPI, see What is Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction (DDPI)?

To place an AMO, click on AMO on the order window, select the product and order type, and click on Buy or Sell.

The AMOs are sent to the exchange at the following times:

Segment Timings
Equity - Market and Limit orders 09:00 AM
Equity - IOC validity, Disclosed quantity (less than 100% of sell quantity), Stop loss (SL), Stop loss - Market (SL-M) 09:15 AM
F&O 09:15 AM
CDS 09: 00 AM

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