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Why is the error 'The e-mail provider ( you are using is restricted. Try SMS.' displayed while resetting Kite password?

Zerodha has noticed higher chances of cyberattacks when the accounts are linked with Rediffmail e-mail IDs, and therefore restricts such accounts from resetting Kite password using e-mail.

Once the password is reset using SMS, change the Rediffmail email ID to another e-mail provider like Gmail, iCloud, Yahoo etc. To change the registered email ID, see How do I change my registered mobile number or email id with Zerodha?

To reset the Kite password using SMS, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Forgot user ID or password?.
  2. Enter your user ID and PAN and select SMS.
  3. Enter the Captcha and click on Reset.
  4. Enter the OTP received and click on Continue.
  5. Enter and repeat the new password and PIN and click on Save.

Did you know?

  • If the registered mobile number is on DND, OTP may not be received. Please reset your password and 2Factor PIN using the newly registered email ID.