- Why is the rejected order not displayed in the order book?
- What does the “Maximum allowed order modifications exceeded” error mean?
- Why are clients unable to buy a stock on Kite even if it is trading on the exchange?
- Why is the error 'Fresh buying is blocked for SGBs in your account, since depositories (CDSL) have stopped allowing credit of SGBs into non-individual demat accounts' displayed?
- What does the error 'Maximum quantity per order for Equity is 1,00,000' mean?
- Why are the stock SIP orders not executed?
- Why is 'Error fetching invite details: Invite doesn't exist' displayed while accepting a family account invite?
- Why is the order in the far month commodity F&O contracts getting rejected?
- Why are the market orders blocked for some ETFs during the first two minutes of market opening?
- What do the errors 'Failed to Connect to CDN' and 'Error syncing exchange instruments' while opening the Kite mobile application mean?
- Why are option orders rejected, stating that limit orders that are far away from the LTP are restricted?
- Why is the error 'Trigger price can’t be higher than price' or 'Trigger price can’t be lesser than price' displayed while placing a stop loss order?
- What does the error 'The order was cancelled by the exchange because the price is outside the current allowed limit price protection range' mean?
- Why is the error 'It seems you’re not logged in. Please login to continue using charts' displayed while opening a Chart on Kite?
- Why is the error 'Maximum allowed order requests exceeded' displayed?
- Why is the error 'Chart preference limit reached' displayed while trying to save the settings on the TradingView charts?
- What does the error 'Trading is blocked in (instrument) for this session as you are a designated person of the company' mean?
- What does the error 'The quantity is higher than the maximum allowed quantity of xxx' mean?
- Why is the error 'The e-mail provider (rediffmail.com) you are using is restricted. Try SMS.' displayed while resetting Kite password?
- Why is 'Error deleting schedule: Error processing delete mandate request.' displayed when deleting an upcoming schedule?
- Why is the error 'The market order was rejected since there are no trades in this instrument. Try placing a LIMIT order' displayed?
- Why is 'MIS (Intraday) is blocked for this FINNIFTY contract' being displayed?
- Why is an 'Invalid App Code' error displayed on Kite?
- Why is the error 'Please complete the login before doing 2FA verification' being displayed?
- Why is the error "Orders couldn’t be loaded. Incorrect 'api_key' or 'access token'." displayed?
- Why is the error 'Order cannot be modified as it is being processed' displayed?
- Why is the 'Wireless emergency alerts' notification displayed?
- Why is the error 'Your account has a negative cash balance' displayed when placing an order?
- Why is the error 'The difference between the limit price and trigger price for SL orders is over the exchange permissible range' displayed?
- What does the error 'The maximum value allowed per order is Rs 2 Crores' mean?
- Why is 'Purchases are blocked as CDSL doesn't allow credit' error displayed?
- Why did the currency order get rejected with the status - Clientwise position limit exceeds ,Current:5000.00, limit set:4999.00 for entity account-(user id) across exchange across segment across product
- Why are Stoploss Market (SL-M) orders blocked on BSE?
- What is Price Reasonability Range (PRR)?
- Why is the order execution time displayed beyond the market hours on Kite?
- Why is trading restricted for Nifty Midcap contracts?
- What does the error 'There may be a discrepancy with this stock' mean?
- Why can’t index option buy positions be converted from MIS to NRML?
- Why is the error 'Exchanges have temporarily restricted trading in your account' displayed when placing an order?
- Why is the error 'Funds cannot be added to the Commodity account' displayed?
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