- What are Government Securities?
- How to buy government securities at Zerodha?
- How long will it take for allotment of SDL, T-bills and G-Secs?
- How can SDL, T-bills or G-sec orders be edited or deleted?
- What is the difference between SDL, T-bills, and G-secs?
- What happens when a SDL, T-bill and G-sec matures?
- Can NRIs invest in Government securities through Zerodha?
- When can bids be placed for SDLs, T-bills, government bonds, and SGBs?
- What are the applicable taxes for Government securities (G-secs)?
- Can G-sec investments be exited before the maturity period?
- How to calculate returns on government securities?
- What is Indicative yield?
- What are the applicable charges for transacting in Government securities (G-secs) ?
- Why is the money debited from my trading account for the purchase of G-bonds more than the allotment amount shown in Coin?
- Why are the allotted G-secs not visible?
- How will interest get paid for G-secs?
- How to interpret SDL, T-bill, and G-secs names or symbols?
- Why is the allotment value for my T-bill purchase lesser than the face value of ₹100?
- Why does Console and Coin show the 'dirty price' of the Government bond as the buy-average instead of the Clean price?
- How will the P&L for G-sec be represented on Console?
- Where will the excess amount blocked for G-sec orders be credited?
- On what basis does Zerodha block money for the bids for G-secs?
- Why was an SMS received from CDSL informing debit of T-bills when a sell order was not placed?
- Where can the interest payment schedule for bonds be checked?
- Where can the SDL, T-bills and G-secs issuance calendar be viewed?
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