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What are the charges for gifting stocks?

The standard off-market transfer fee of ₹25, or 0.03% per stock, whichever is higher + 18% GST, is applicable. There are no additional charges for gifting securities.

Example scenario

Shares of Airtel, Britannia, and Coal India will be gifted to a family member on June 3rd 2021. The charges will be calculated as follows:


Quantity (A)

Closing Price in ₹ (B)

Value A*B
(in ₹)

0.03% (in ₹)


Considered Amount
(in ₹)

Airtel 25 532.05 13,301.25 3.99 ₹25 25
Britannia 26 3,496.25 90,902.5 27.27 ₹25 27.27
Coal India 100 149.05 14,905 4.47 ₹25 25
Applicable charges 77.27
GST @ 18% 13.91
Total charges in ₹ 91.18

Did you know?

  • The highest closing price of the stock between NSE and BSE is taken to calculate charges.
  • There can be a difference of a few paise in charges since they are rounded off to two decimal places.