Account modification
- How to change the registered email ID and mobile number with Zerodha?
- How can the address registered with Zerodha be changed online?
- How can the Date of Birth (DOB), gender, marital status, occupation or PEP status be updated on the Zerodha account?
- Why is the error "Email ID updation cannot be processed online for your account. Please initiate request offline." displayed?
- Why is the error "Mobile number updation cannot be processed online for your account. Please initiate request offline." displayed?
- Why is the error "Segments cannot be enabled online for your account. Please initiate request offline." displayed?
- Why are SMS and email trade alerts from the exchanges not received?
- Why is the error "DDPI cannot be enabled online for your account. Please initiate request offline." displayed?
- Why is the error "Primary bank change cannot be processed online for your account. Please initiate request offline." displayed?
- Why is the error "Bank account addition cannot be processed online for your account. Please initiate request offline." displayed?
- How to update the name while e-signing through Digio?
- How to eSign documents?
- How to update PAN details on an existing Zerodha account?
- What is the procedure for changing the registered address of LLP, corporates, trust and partnership firms with Zerodha?
- What documents are required to change the company name in a corporate account?
- Why is the error "Nominee addition cannot be processed online for your account. Please initiate request offline." displayed?
- How can the Zerodha account be deactivated?
- What is the procedure for changing the address registered with Zerodha offline?
- What is the procedure to change or correct the name in the Zerodha account?
- Why was an error displayed while trying to modify the mobile number or email ID on Console?
- Why is the error "Account closure cannot be processed online for your account. Please initiate request offline." displayed?
- What are the documents required for address modification of an LLP?
- How can F&O segment be deactivated?
- How to eSign documents on Digio?
- What is the procedure to change the address for a Partnership firm?
- How to update financial proofs at Zerodha?
- How to remove password protection from a PDF document?
Switching from IL&FS to Zerodha
- How to switch demat account from IL&FS to Zerodha?
- What is the procedure for changing the signature at Zerodha?
- How to change the registered email address with Zerodha?
- How can the HUF demat account be switched from IL&FS to Zerodha?
- How can the corporate demat account be switched from IL&FS to Zerodha?
- How can the NRI demat account be switched from IL&FS to Zerodha?
- How can the partnership demat account be switched from IL&FS to Zerodha?
- How can the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) demat account be switched from IL&FS to Zerodha?
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