- Why did Zerodha send an email requesting certain documents to be resubmitted?
- Why does Zerodha email a weekly statement?
- How to set a reminder for an economic event?
- How to verify if the email from Zerodha is genuine?
- Why did Zerodha send an email asking for bank proof?
- Why did Zerodha send an email stating the mobile number is blocked?
- How to update the resident status of PAN for an NRI & PIO account?
- How can an employer’s email address be added to a Zerodha account?
- Why was a notification sent for logging into Kite on a new device?
- Why was a notification sent for entering multiple incorrect Two Factor Authentication (2FA)?
- Does Zerodha send SMS alerts or notifications for trades?
- Why were an SMS and email sent by CDSL informing about the blocking mechanism for payin of securities?
- Why are emails from Zerodha not being received?
- Why did CDSL send an email with the revised process for submission of off-market transfer?
- Why do exchanges send a weekly SMS and email regarding funds and securities balances?
- Why did Zerodha send an email seeking clarification for the reversal trades?
- Why did Zerodha send an email requesting KYC details to be updated?
- Why did Zerodha send an email asking to update the Tax Identification Number (TIN)?
- Why was an email and SMS sent by the clearing corporation informing about the allocation of funds?
- Why does Zerodha not allow users to register with Rediffmail email IDs?
- Why did the KYC Registration Agency (KRA) send an email and SMS informing about KYC details validation?
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